Product Safety & Application

**Important Notice: Please Read Carefully**

This disclaimer is provided to ensure that you, the consumer, have a clear understanding of the use, benefits, and potential risks associated with our clay facial mask product. Before using our clay facial mask, please carefully consider the following points:

1. Patch Test:

Prior to applying the clay facial mask to your entire face, we strongly recommend performing a patch test on a small, inconspicuous area of your skin. This test helps identify any potential allergic reactions or skin sensitivities.

2. Consultation with a Professional:

We advise consulting with a qualified dermatologist or healthcare professional before introducing any new skincare product, including our clay facial mask, into your skincare routine. This is particularly important if you have underlying skin conditions, allergies, or health concerns.

3. Product Instructions:

Thoroughly read and follow the product instructions and guidelines provided on the product packaging and in the accompanying user manual. Adhering to these instructions is essential for safe and effective use.

4. Individual Skin Response:

Everyone's skin is unique and may react differently to skincare products, including clay masks. Some individuals may experience skin irritation, redness, tingling, or a temporary tightening sensation. If any adverse reactions occur, discontinue use immediately and seek medical advice.

5. Skin Type and Concerns:

Understand your skin type and specific skincare concerns. Our clay facial mask is designed to address certain skin issues but may not be suitable for all skin types. Choose skincare products that align with your unique needs.

6. Frequency of Use:

Do not overuse the clay facial mask. Excessive application can lead to skin dryness or irritation. Follow the recommended usage frequency outlined in the product instructions.

7. Hydration:

Our clay mask, like many clay-based products, can have a drying effect on the skin. Be sure to moisturize your skin adequately after using the mask to maintain its balance.

8. Sun Protection:

After using the mask, your skin may be more sensitive to the sun. Apply sunscreen with appropriate SPF protection when exposed to UV rays.

9. Storage and Expiry Date:

Store the product in a cool, dry place and ensure it is within its specified shelf life to maintain its efficacy and safety.

10. Third-Party Sellers:

When purchasing our clay facial mask from third-party sellers, be cautious about product authenticity and quality. We recommend acquiring our products from reputable sources or directly from our authorized distributors.

11. Disclaimer of Liability:

Our company cannot be held responsible for any adverse effects, injuries, or damages resulting from the use of our clay facial mask. By using our product, you accept any associated risks and assume full responsibility for your skincare choices.

12. Individual Results:

Results from using our clay facial mask may vary from person to person. Achieving desired results may require consistent and regular use over time.

By using our clay facial mask, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this disclaimer and agree to use the product at your own risk. If you experience any adverse effects or have any concerns about its use, please consult with a healthcare professional. Skincare is a personal journey, and it is important to make informed choices that suit your skin's unique needs and characteristics.